Nearly 200 women came to the LSE on 22nd April for a challenging, fascinating and nurturing day together. We participated in a variety of workshops from self-defence to head coverings, experienced inspirational talks, built bridges between communities and formed friendships.

We started our day with welcome speeches and opening remarks from co-chairs Laura Marks and Julie Sidiqqi who stressed the importance of solidarity and friendship between Jewish and Muslim women in the face of growing antisemitism and Islamophobia.

The speeches were followed by a powerful morning session led by Robi Damelin of the Bereaved Families Forum. Robi moved the entire auditorium with her touching story about her son, David.

Not a dry eye in the house. Robi spoke of necessary work the Bereaved Families Forum deliver to families to build peace in Israel and Palestine who have suffered bereavement at the hands of the conflict. 

After lunch, our wonderful changemakers attended their preferred workshops.

There were 5 workshops to choose from: an invigorating self-defense class led by Hasina Rahman, a difficult conversations workshop, a panel discussion on head coverings for Jewish and Muslim Women, a session with Robi Damelin discussing reconciliation and a workshop on the Women’s March movement.

After the workshops, all attendees congregated to enjoy the all-star #NNChangemkers Panel which consisted of: Farzana Baduel, Gabby Edlin, Pinky Lilani, Nomia Iqbal and Helen Pankhurst. A powerful panel!

The conference wrapped up with some closing remarks and beautiful poetry created and recited by Shagufta Iqbal.

Thank you to all who participated, volunteered, spoke and made the day a success. Thank you for being a Changemaker. 

Check out some of the press coverage of the conference here: Jewish Chronicle, Asian Express, Voice of Salam, This is Local London Article 1, and 2, Watford Observer, Harrow Times.