23rd January 2024: Nisa Nashim attend Holocaust Memorial Day Ceremony in Belfast
It was wonderful to be with Muslim, Jewish and Christian women today at Guildhall [...]
21st January 2024: Nisa Nashim attend March for Peace in London
This Sunday Nisa Nashim members took part in a vigil and walk for peace, [...]
21st January 2024: Nisa Nashim attend Peace of Cake Event
Nisa Nashim members attended an amazing peace event set up by a wonderful Muslim [...]
14th December 2023: Nisa Nashim Host Online Channukah Vigil for Peace
This Thursday to mark the final night of Chanukah, we hosted an online vigil [...]
13th December 2023: Nisa Nashim attend Women of Faith discussion with King Charles
Nisa Nashim members Laura, Akeela and Julie were part of a brilliant round table [...]
13th December 2023: Nisa Nashim members visit the Liberal Jewish Synagogue
Nisa Nashim members Laura and Julie were honoured to speak and to light a [...]